Final Fantasy IV: Echoes of Betrayal, Light of Redemption (Part 1)

What’s the saying? Better (8 days) late than never?

Well then, hot on the heels of Overclocked Remix’s last arranged album is Echoes of Betrayal, Light of Redemption – an album dedicated to the music of the game of Final Fantasy IV. I must admit, I never really have played Final Fantasy IV much past the beginning, so I’m not too familiar with the original source material and, thus, I can’t really “review” but one or two of these tracks. Nonetheless, I’ll still list my favorites (though I appreciate the great care each remixer has given each remix and all are a joy to listen to).

1 – 01 – Full of Courage (Remix of The Red Wings) by Nutritious

Oh yes! Just like the Summoning of Spirits album, this one starts on the ground running with this beautifully epic orchestral arrangement of The Red Wings theme.

I remember first listening to one of Nutritious’ earlier works, and, now, anything from Nutritious goes straight to my playlist without question. If you enjoy this remix, like I do, I’d also recommend Step into the Light and Fighting for Tomorrow just a bit further down.

1 – 02 – The Might of Baron (Remix of Kingdom of Baron) by Audio Fidelity

From my short time playing Final Fantasy IV, I’ll never forget the awesome theme of the Kingdom of Baron. So, how do you make an unforgettable theme even better? Well, one way is to totally rock it out as Audio Fidelity has done here! One of my absolute favorites thus far, it is.

1 – 05 – Ana(pro)logue (Remix of Prologue) by Another Soundscape / 1 – 07 – Read the Sine (Remix of Welcome to our Town!) by Mazedude

Now here’s two remixes that should be filed under the “quirky and very cool” category! I especially dig the names of the remixes themselves. Two must downloads.

1 – 08 – Emerald Beauty (Remix of Rydia) by Cyril the Wolf / 1 – 13 – Edward’s Dream Quartet (Remix of Edward’s Harp) by Abadoss and James George

Looking for something a bit slower? Check out these two absolutely gorgeous mixes.

2 – 02 – Metal Mage (Remix of Palom and Porom) by Cyril the Wolf and OA

I love this short but sweet mix. I had a smile the whole time while listening to this. Definitely check it out. 🙂

2 – 06 – Rhymes with Elixir (Remix of Chocobo Chocobo) by The Scuba Divers featuring Liontamer

Oh man, now here’s a remix that defies categorization. I wasn’t expecting a “Team Gato” in this album! A must download, that it is!

Naturally, I’ve heard nothing but amazing music thus far and I continue to be amazed with all the talent these artists display time and again. Definitely check out all of these arrangments and listen to them one by one as they are well worth a spot on your playlist and have loop power levels of over 9,000. I look forward to downloading and listening to more awesomeness – I’m on track 17 of Act 2 – dang dial-up 😦

Thanks Overclocked Remix!